Samy Reeb

Non-executive Director

Samy Reeb

Appointment to the Board: Samy was appointed to the Board in January 2023.

Career: Samy brings extensive experience of working with global businesses largely across wealth and tax advisory. He began his career in tax advisory at Ernst & Young and tax management at Credit Suisse, before focusing on wealth advisory as an Executive Director at Julius Baer, and subsequently joining 1291 Group as Managing Partner. Over the years, Samy developed a leading franchise advising on the financial affairs of many Asia-based ultra-high net worth clients. Samy is currently Group CEO of PFIS Group.

Skills, competences and experience: Samy’s broad skillset and extensive knowledge of Asia provides additional depth and experience to the Board.

Board Committees: Chair of the Risk and Compliance Committee, member of the Audit Committee and Sustainability and Public Policy Committee