Our Board is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance, which it considers to be central to the effective stewardship of the business and to maintaining the confidence of stakeholders. The Board continues to strive to ensure that the Group’s governance structure protects the sustainability of its businesses and the communities in which it operates, while maximising shareholder value and treating all shareholders fairly.

In developing our framework for corporate governance and managing our business, the Board recognises the need to strike a careful balance to ensure that shareholders and other stakeholders are appropriately protected by robust processes and procedures while providing an environment that fosters an entrepreneurial spirit, thereby allowing our senior management team and employees to continue to deliver the strategic and operational progress that we have achieved in recent years. This balance enables us to clearly focus on the key risks facing the Group but requires us be flexible enough to accommodate changes resulting from developments in our strategy or changes in the regulatory environment.

The Board also sets the tone for the Company. The way in which it conducts itself, its attitude towards sustainability, problem gambling and diversity and inclusion, its definitions of success and its assessment of appropriate risk all define the atmosphere within which the executive team works.

We have set out in the following sections details on our governance structure and framework, our Board and Committees, how we engage with stakeholders and how we seek to manage the principal risks and uncertainties facing the business.

Our corporate governance structure


Our Board Our Committees

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The roles of the Chairman (Brian Mattingley) and the Chief Executive Officer (Mor Weizer) are separated and clearly defined. A summary of their respective responsibilities can be downloaded below.

A formal schedule of matters specifically reserved for Board consideration and approval is in place A summary of the matters reserved can be downloaded below.

Governance reports

Full details of our corporate governance arrangements are described in the Corporate Governance report, which are available to download below.

Engagement with stakeholders

Engagement with stakeholders

Our Board regularly engages with a range of stakeholders throughout the year with the objective of understanding current and evolving issues of interest, engaging constructively with our stakeholders, and ensuring the company takes stakeholder perspectives into account when taking short and long-term decisions. Read more about how we engage with stakeholders in our latest Strategic Report. in our annual report.

Internal audit, Risk management and internal controls

In recognition of the increasingly complex environments within which we operate, the Group has taken steps to expand and enhance internal controls and strengthen the internal audit function and its position within the organisation. Overall, the system of internal controls and audit is designed to ensure local legal and regulatory compliance and manage, rather than eliminate, the risk of failure to achieve business objectives. It can therefore only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss.

Internal audit

Our internal audit function reports to the Chair of the Audit Committee and has direct access to all key executives. Its key objectives are to provide the Board, the Committee and management independent and objective assurance on risks and mitigating controls, and to assist the Board in meeting its corporate governance and regulatory responsibilities.

Risk management

The Risk Management & Compliance Committee ensures the appropriate review and assessment of risks and risk appetite within the Group, offering further oversight and challenge of the Group’s control regimes. Full details of our approach to risk management and our principal risks are set out in our latest Strategic report.

Internal controls

In 2022, the Audit Committee conducted a complete review and reset of the Group’s internal financial control regime in the light of further business growth and complexity and the expected changes to UK Corporate Governance legislation. This has continued through 2023 and has been complimented by the establishment of a new Internal Controls and Assurance function headed by an experienced Director. This function is supporting the Audit Committee’s development of the Group’s broader control regime and how best to achieve overall governance given the evolving nature of the Groups’ strategic priorities, the regulatory environments within which the Group operates and stakeholder interests.

Read more about our approach to risk management, internal audit and internal controls in our annual report.
